Body Aesthetics (Arm-Leg Stretching)

Body Aesthetics (Arm-Leg Stretching)
Arm stretch
If you have lost a lot of weight, lost postpartum weight but have sagging and irregularity in the arm skin, if you want your clothes and swimsuit to look better on you, you can benefit from this surgery.
Arm lift surgery is performed under hospital conditions and under general anesthesia. 1 night of hospitalization is usually required after surgery. After the excess skin is removed in accordance with the drawing to be made, the incision line is closed so that there is a vertical line extending to the elbow on the inner side of the arm. Usually, absorbent drains are used and removed painlessly the next day. If necessary, in addition to this process, fat suction (liposuction) can also be performed. The corset to be dressed at the end should be used for 6-8 weeks.
Generally, after 2-3 days, which are less painful, swelling and stiffness begin to decrease. It takes 3-6 months to see the final result. Driving for 10 days and heavy sports for 3 months are prohibited. Although the scars to be left depend on the wound healing type of the patient, treatment will be applied to ensure that the scars are less for 3 months.
If the surgery is done well and the patient follows the rules and takes good care of himself, this problem can be solved with the least possible traces.
Leg stretch
If you have lost a lot of weight, lost postpartum weight but have sagging and irregularity in the skin of the legs, if you want your clothes and swimsuit to look better on you, you can benefit from this surgery.
Leg stretching surgery is performed under hospital conditions and under general anesthesia. 1 night of hospitalization is usually required after surgery. After removing the excess skin in accordance with the drawing to be made, the incision line is closed with a vertical line on the inner side of the leg and, if necessary, a horizontal line extending from the groin line to the hips. Usually, absorbent drains are used and removed painlessly the next day. If necessary, in addition to this process, fat suction (liposuction) can also be performed. The corset to be dressed at the end should be used for 6-8 weeks.
Generally, after 2-3 days, which are less painful, swelling and stiffness begin to decrease. It takes 3-6 months to see the final result. Driving for 10 days and heavy sports for 3 months are prohibited. Although the scars to be left depend on the wound healing type of the patient, treatment will be applied to ensure that the scars are less for 3 months.
If the surgery is done well and the patient follows the rules and takes good care of himself, this problem can be solved with the least possible traces.



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