Face Lift (Rhytidectomy)

Face Lift (Rhytidectomy)
If your face looks older than you feel, you may benefit from this surgery if you are not satisfied with other assistive methods. With this surgery, excess skin is removed, the underlying tissues are tightened, and a youthful appearance is provided to the face.
Facelift surgery should be performed very selectively in people who smoke. If smoking is stopped at least 8 weeks before the surgery, the chance of experiencing problems decreases considerably.
Facelift surgery is performed under general anesthesia and in hospital conditions. After the operation, it is necessary to stay in the hospital for 1 night.
In facelift surgery, the midface, upper face and neck can be intervened separately or together. If necessary, an incision can be made under the chin for the neck. An incision line is made that starts from the scalp, passes just in front of the ear and turns behind the ear. Proceeding under the skin, the excess skin is released and removed. The muscle tissues under the skin are tightened. If deemed necessary at the end of the surgery, a drain can be placed.
Surgical incisions, so scars can be changed and shortened according to the surgical area.
Post-surgery can usually be described as painless or less painful. Bruising and swelling on the face will begin to decrease after 3 days. After about 3 weeks, it goes down to acceptable limits. However, it may be necessary to wait up to 3 months for full recovery.
It is one of the initiatives that makes the surgery well and chooses the right surgery for the right patient, and turns the race against time in our favor.


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