Fat Suction (Liposuction)

Fat Suction (Liposuction)
Subcutaneous adipose tissue is found all over the human body and has many functions such as preventing heat loss and acting as a protective cover on deep tissues. The main change in the body during weight gain is the increase in the fat tissue under the skin and around the organs. Although the genes providing the ability to store adipose tissue were defined as "good genes" in ancient times when people had trouble finding food (in this way, this stored adipose tissue could be used as a reserve energy store during prolonged hunger periods), today it has lost this feature. Excess adipose tissue stored in the body now affects the health of the person negatively (Obesity) and also causes a bad cosmetic appearance. Here, the most important information to know about liposuction should be told at this point. Liposuction is not a weight loss surgery. With liposuction, it is possible to safely remove up to 5 percent of the fat in the body. This means that a person weighing about 100 kg will gain 5 kg of fat, which is an extremely insufficient weight loss for a person of that weight. Liposuction is basically used to eliminate the asymmetric and disproportionate increase in fat in one or more areas of the person. Patients who will be applied liposuction are required to be at or close to their optimal weight, and to have made the necessary efforts such as diet and sports before the surgery to remove excess adipose tissue in the area where liposuction will be applied.
Liposuction surgery is performed under regional or general anesthesia. The duration of the surgery varies according to how many areas liposuction will be performed. In liposuction surgery, a solution (tumescent solution) is applied, which provides anesthesia to the area and reduces the amount of bleeding, by first entering through an incision of approximately 1 cm made close to the operation area. After the appropriate waiting period, the same incision is made again (several additional incisions are made if necessary), and the fat is broken up with the help of metal rods called cannula, specially produced for surgery, and removed from the body with the help of an aspirator. For the breakdown of fat, only the arm strength of the surgeon can be used, or new technologies such as laser or ultrasound can be used. Usually, liposuction is applied to the deep fat compartment first and then the adipose tissue close to the skin is targeted. The most common areas of liposuction in the body; abdomen, breast area (gynecomastia) in men, inner thighs and knees, and under the chin (jowl) region. After the liposuction process is completed in all these areas, the patient is taken to the bed by wearing a corset suitable for the area.
Patients operated under general anesthesia are usually kept in the hospital for one night, while patients operated under regional anesthesia are discharged the same evening. The first post-operative control is done in the first week and the stitches placed in the small entrance holes are removed. After the surgery, the corset is used for about 3 weeks, depending on the area where liposuction is performed. The final result of the operation is usually clear in the 3rd month after the operation.
Liposuction surgery is a successful method frequently applied by plastic surgeons in removing asymmetrical and disproportionate excess fat that cannot be removed with sports and diet.


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