Male Breast Aesthetics (Gynecomastia)

Gynecomastia is the enlargement of the mammary gland in men. Although most of them do not go beyond disturbing the patient in appearance, gynecomastia can also occur as a symptom of many diseases (such as hormonal diseases, tumoral conditions) or as a side effect of some drugs (especially used in heart and kidney diseases). For this reason, in adult patients presenting with the complaint of gynecomastia, first of all, endocrinological evaluation should be made and it should be evaluated whether there is an underlying cause. As I mentioned before, in most of the cases, no problem is detected in the patient and a localized benign tissue increase is observed in the breast. In the examination of gynecomastia patients, the amount of breast tissue enlargement (classified in 3 stages) and the characteristic of the increased tissue (hard = fibrous tissue increase or soft = mammary gland increase) are two main features that are important.
In adult patients without any underlying disease, the main treatment option is surgery. Gynecomastia surgery is performed under general anesthesia and takes approximately 1.5 hours. The surgery is basically based on liposuction (fat suction) or open surgery method. In liposuction, liposuction is applied to the entire breast by entering through an incision of approximately 1 cm made on the lower outer side of the breast tissue. If there is a hard area that cannot be removed with liposuction (especially in the area under the nipple) or if there is an excessive amount of skin, it is intervened by making an incision along the lower half of the nipple. The patient is kept in the hospital for pain control on the night of the operation and is discharged the next morning.
After the operation, the corset specially produced for gynecomastia surgery is used in the morning and evening for the first 4 weeks, and only in the evening for the next 4 weeks. In the first week after the operation, the suture lines are checked and the sutures are removed. In the first month after the operation, it is recommended to avoid heavy exercises, especially those involving the pectoral region. Permanent results in patients are usually seen in the 3rd-6th postoperative day with the disappearance of edema. occurs between months.
Gynecomastia is one of the diseases that are treated in plastic surgery in an extremely fast and reliable way and with high patient satisfaction.